============= Content Types ============= Hyperadmin supports 3 different modes of content types: * HTML - renders a response using the django template engine * Hypermedia - renders a structured response representing a workflow and data (ie application/vnd.collection+json) * Datatap - renders and loads fixtures (ie application/json) Media Type Selection ==================== The incomming media type is handled seperately from the outgoing media type. The selection of each media type can be controlled with the following HTTP headers: **Accept**: Specifies the media type of the response **Content-Type**: Specifies the media type of the request Alternatively they may also be controlled by the following GET parameters: **_HTTP_ACCEPT**: Specifies the media type of the response **_CONTENT_TYPE**: Specifies the media type of the request **Note**: Arguments passed by the GET method needs to be URL encoded. In JavaScript you can use the built-in `encodeURIComponent` method like so: .. code-block:: javascript var contentType = encodeURIComponent('application/vnd.Collection.hyperadmin+JSON')